About Me

I live in Durham Lead on a heavenly bit of land with my partner Chris and our lovely cat Murphy.  We also have a nice brood of chooks, a noisy goose and an ever growing group of demanding wood ducks. I love the serenity, the colours and  sounds of the bush.  I honestly can't imagine living anywhere else.

I have always been artistic, but never really had the time to devote to any worthwhile projects.  And lets face it, when you're working on the dining table and have to pack it all up for dinner, you don't achieve much! 

Fast forward to late 2020, I'm 56 and wake up one morning to a burning passion to create.....something! Nothing is off limits. I'm suddenly interested in mediums and styles I had never given a thought to. I can't sleep. I want to work with metal...I have to try watercolours again....oooh clay!

I'm working towards spending more time on myself and things that make me happy, including art, my garden and home. I'm looking forward to running workshops, garden tours and Devonshire teas. It will take a bit of time, but the time it takes will be splendid.

Thank you for visiting my page. I hope you find something that inspires or makes you smile. Art is Everywhere.....it just took me some time to discover it again.